Trinity 14
Services at St Peter's8:00am Holy Communion (BCP)
President Canon Michael Rusk
Preacher Canon Michael Rusk
OT Reading Ken Hutchinson (Exodus 1: 8 – 2: 10)
Gospel Jeff Newton (Matthew 16: 13-20)
Sidesmen Ken Hutchinson and Anne Parkes
10:00am Holy Communion
President Canon Michael Rusk
Preacher Canon Michael Rusk
OT Reading Mandy Green (Isaiah 51: 1-6)
Gospel Anne Warwick (Matthew 16: 13-20)
Intercessor Simon Ainge
Sidesmen Mick & Gill Dunn
Olive Freestone
6.30 pm Healing and Eucharist
Minister & Revd Paskal Clement
OT Reading Don Smith (Deuteronomy 18: 15-19)
NT Reading Jean Geall (Matthew 10 1-22)
Sidesmen Jean Geall & Paul Baulch
AM 471 Holy Spirit, come, confirm us
NHWS 323 There is a redeemer
AM 162 Jesus, where’er thy people meet
AM 163 Angel voices, ever singing
AM 233 O thou who camest from above
NHWS 25 Be still, for the presence of the Lord
AM 118 Firmly I believe and truly
Services and Meetings
Week Commencing Monday 25th August 2008
Tuesday 26th August
8:40am Morning Prayer
5:00pm Evening Prayer
Wednesday 27th August
8:40am Morning Prayer
5:00pm Evening Prayer
Thursday 28th August
10:30am Holy Communion
5:00pm Evening Prayer
Friday 29th August
5:00pm Evening Prayer
Sunday 31st August Trinity 158:00am Holy Communion (BCP)President Canon Michael Rusk
Preacher Canon Michael Rusk
OT Reading Richard Bartholomew (Exodus 3: 1-15)
Gospel Jennifer Collick (Matthew 16: 21-28)
Sidesmen Richard Bartholomew and Jennifer Collick
10:00am Joint Service at St Paul’sPresident Canon Michael Rusk
Preacher The Revd S Harvey
Gospel Don Smith (Matthew 16: 21-end)
Please note the change of venue this week from St Peter’s to St Paul’s when we will be joining our worship with our friends at St Paul’s.
.30 pm Evening Prayer
Minister & Dr Hugh James
OT Reading Philip Coomes (2 Kings 6: 24-25, 7: 3-20)
NT Reading David Witt (Acts 18 1-16)
Sidesman David Witt
PLEASE PRAY FOR:The frail and those with long term illness:
Coral Elliott, Molly Cornell, Pauline Steadman, Muriel Jansen, Pat Stebbing, Bob McCrory, Barry Lee and Revd Ken Bastock
The sick:
Steve Smith, Hugh Gunn, Cathy Bowyer, Joan Staddon, Irene Hutchinson, Judy Jackson
Faithful departed:
Keith Oswin, Phyllis Chamberlain, Gill Bell, Joan Calow, Harold Lea, Bryan Wicks
NEWSHouse Groups
The next Monday House Group meeting will be at 7.30 pm on 1 September at 20 Gorse Lane (please note change of venue) when we shall continue following Paul on this second missionary journey in Acts 18. For further information, please contact Peter Williams on 0116 259 6925.
The next meeting of the Wednesday group will be on Tuesday 2nd September (note change of day) when we will be having a supper together starting at 7 pm. For more details please contact Martin & Jenny Ward 0116 271 6810.
Back to Church Sunday: 28 September 2008.
Back to Church Sunday is an opportunity for you to invite a friend or someone you know in the community to come along to St Peter’s where they will receive a warm welcome. A leaflet is available at the back of church which gives more details or contact the Revd Paskal Clement. Thank you to all who have so far volunteered to help. We still have room for more!
Bibles for St Peter’sMany thanks to all who have donated so far, but if you haven’t yet made a contribution and would like to do so, the appeal is still open. The bibles cost around £10 each and the money can be gift-aided if you are a taxpayer. Please make cheques payable to Oadby PCC and either place in the envelopes provided in the back of the seats or hand to a churchwarden. Thank you for your generosity in supporting this excellent initiative.
Certificate in Christian Discipleship
Explore your own Christian life and faith! This is a two-year course accredited by the University of Wales, Lampeter and is for anyone wishing to deepen their faith, ask questions and link that faith to daily life. Modules to be explored include: Christian discipleship, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the creeds, theological reflection, mission, ministry and vocation. No formal qualifications are required to join. Sessions are being held in 4 centres across the diocese including Wednesday evenings (7.30pm – 9.30 pm) at St Wilfred’s, Kibworth starting on 1 October. For more details and an application form contact Claire Stapleton at Church House, 0116 248 7417 or email:
The Revd Helen BenceHelen’s last day at St Peter’s will be Sunday 28 September (although she will remain Mission Partnership Convenor). If you would like to contribute to a gift in thanks for Helen’s ministry, please put in a marked envelope and hand to Marylyn Chamberlain.
St Peter’s Appeal Sunday LunchA reminder about the next lunch on Sunday 7th September 12.30pm for 1pm in the Manor Room at the St Peter’s Centre. Tickets cost £15 and are available from Frank Winters, Rita Shrigley, Vera Davison or the Parish Office (0116 272 0080).
Leicestershire Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride
Takes place this year on Saturday 13th September. For more details contact Roy Knight (0116 271 3434).
Lambeth ConferenceWednesday 17 September at 7.30 pm at St Wilfrid’s Church, Kibworth. Bishop Tim will address an open meeting regarding the recent Lambeth Conference.
Harvest Barn DancePlease come and support the Harvest Barn Dance on Saturday 27th September. It’s great fun! Tickets £6 each including a ploughman’s supper, are now available from Margaret Schofield, Mary York, Katy Keeling, Frank Winters or the Parish Office.
Cancer Research UKMargaret Tonkin would like to thank all those who contributed to her Race for Life sponsorship. She raised a grand total of £263.50, £87 of which came from her friends in Oadby.
GreenbeltPlease pray for the 10 young people and their 3 leaders attending the Greenbelt Festival this weekend.
Congratulations to Pete Felton who has recently been notified by Loughborough University that he is to receive a Bachelor’s degree next July. As part of their centenary celebrations next year, Loughborough University are awarding degrees to all those who had previously obtained diplomas from the former Loughborough College.